Monday 21 May 2012

Task 4- Developing Responding to Games Production’s.

Today I will be taking about selected games in the action genre of games wish I will be playing and adding notes about the structure interaction and game play of each of the games, The first games I will be taking about is Call of Duty Modern warfare 3 to start this of lest talk about the gameplay, Okay first of the gameplay is like the other modern warfare games this one also bring an in depth feeling to the game, its full of outstanding action throughout the game with over 4 hours of gameplay in the campaign (which doesn’t  seem like much) the campaign is really short as a gamer 4 hours is not long enough to play a game that been building up hype for months. There are 16 one-off missions that complement the events of the campaign, letting you experience new facets of the global conflict in which you are embroiled. From tanking along in a Juggernaut suit to covering your ally with remote-controlled sentry turrets, there's a lot of variety here. Though even the longest missions can be completed in less than 10 minutes, the variable difficulty levels help Spec Ops missions provide hours of challenging combat. And if you prefer to continue your solo soldiering, you can run almost every mission by yourself and aim for a respectable spot on the online leader boards. Okay the menus in the game are just like the other modern warfare games, simple effective and clean easy to use for new users to the game. The characters well what can I say they have new characters again but who cares right? After playing for some hours I am very pleased with how well the characters control and the amazing detail in each one of the characters. I would say anyone in the age range of 18-45 would love this games its full of action and hours of game play be that online of solo I give this game a rating

Okay now onto the second game, this game is Gears of war 3 let’s face it this game is out of this world with its amazing story line continuing from the other gears games the game play is once again amazing I was amazed of how much stuff the developers have put into the game, bringing back the old beloved guns which many fans wanted to see come back while playing the campaign I noticed that you had side quest to do which made you wonder have the developers thrown something special in for you or is it all just to get better armour or guns for the online who knows? Well I do since I have played the game turns out it was to get ribbons which if you was the type to get the game you’re playing 100% completed will be a challenge, the structure of the game is amazing using a totally different engine to make the game the developers really brought their game this time smashing the competition the menu look and feels like it was 100% made for gamers its very stylish and give the game a nice feel to it when selecting were you want to go in the game, the characters are yet again amazing they have little change but the detail has improved so much they look like new the move mend of the characters are easy to get the hang of I recommend this game to a action gamer I give this game a rating of


Finally the last game this game is called battlefield 3 not much you can say on this apart from this game is amazing! Packed with hours of entertainment and multiplayer but Battlefield 3 suffers from an identity crisis.

It delivers scorching multiplayer, fitting of its decade-long pedigree of famously expansive big-team battles, but stumbles over a generic single-player campaign that feels like a different game.

While DICE may not deliver a memorable story here, it doesn't need to when Battlefield 3's online warfare raises every bar imaginable, delivering one of the best multiplayer experiences of the year. I doubt Battlefield purists will complain much about the campaign, honestly; I know you're enlisting in this battle to bring down entire armies online.

from the beaches of Kharg Island to the hills of Damavand Peak, Battlefield 3's multiplayer maps provide an immediate sense of scale. Everything about their design screams size, personalization, and the need to take creative initiative to succeed. Choose to pop headshots from the prone position, spin barrel rolls in a jet outfitted with personal unlocks, or see how many dog tags you can knife from your opponents; Battlefield 3's multiplayer is about the freedom of choice.

The online fight feels like a geography lesson (in a good way). Depending on the game mode, each map utilizes a different area or shifts wider and wider as gameplay progresses. You might not see half of a map like Caspian Border or Seine Crossing during your first few Rush matches. To accommodate Xbox 360's 24-player cap, each map has been modified slightly -- mainly by drawing spawn points closer to the action and limiting Conquest-match points to three (as opposed to PC's five). Where many online shooters teach you the nooks and crannies of every map, Battlefield 3 is a wide sandbox that encourages variety and exploration. Also, the in-game server browser is a great addition to console matchmaking as players can easily find the exact game-type they're looking for.

Is the gameplay balanced? Battlefield 3's online teeter-totter comes down to personal preference. I've been pinned down at my spawn point in Operation Metro by a dozen, well-stocked snipers and I've taken over an entire conquest map single-handedly. I'm no Maverick in a jet, so I learned to rain down hellfire from a chopper. For any class or tactic that doesn't work, like a painter's palette, Battlefield 3 offers alternatives. All four streamlined classes (Soldier, Engineer, Assault, and Recon) get their own problem-solving unlocks, so leveling each one is paramount to sitting on top of the leader boards.

Battlefield 3's rewards and progression will keep you coming back to its online rumble for a long time. From adding heat-seeking missiles to an Anti-Aircraft Tank to simply changing camouflage, there's always a carrot dangling just out of reach -- if you can wrangle the score to earn it. While the newly implemented Team Death match modes encourage high kills and low deaths, Battlefield remains a team-based game where you can sit atop the scoreboard no matter how many times you've died. Heal an injured teammate, resupply a sniper, or make sure a tank gets fixed up, Battlefield is about working towards the greater good.


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